Friday, September 14
The battle...
6.15 am: Started gas compressors; theory.
7.15 am: Yet to make any headway. Played around with my blog. Distractions, distractions. Shit, what am I doing?
7.25 am: Am so hungry I can barely concentrate now. Am going to the mess to eat. God, will I be able to do anything worthwhile today?
9.45 am: Since my last update, all I have accomplished is eating breakfast, emtying my bowels, and surfing youtube. Damn!
Sunday, September 9
Let’s roll

This is how I plan to divide my time during the next five days. Though I've set aside 8 hours for studying, this can be pushed higher if I study in the classroom as well. For that, of course, I'll have to neglect what's being taught. So who's complaining?
However, till date, none of my plans have worked. I always let it slip. But then, I'm not giving up this time. I plan to start out with Thermo today, and hopefully finish it. It's a scoring subject (read: the Prof is generous), and so I must make sure I'm ready with it. The class notes seem to be sufficient, though I might practice a few problems on my own. Next up, I'll pounce upon Math, my Achilles' heel. It almost became my nemesis in the third semester, but not this time. I intend to concentrate on the class notes, which seem to be sufficient for midsems (I'm sorry Princess, but there ain't much time to fall in love with math now… though I have made peace with it).
Well, I haven't planned further, but from then on, it'll have to be a mix of Production, Geology, and Etech. Next weekend will have to be devoted to Etech, I think, and Math. From then on, it should be smooth sailing… which is something I haven't done in a while. I wish to be confident on the eve of the exams. I wish to be content, and not be in a desperate frame of mind. And I know I can do it. And I know somebody else wants me to as well. So who's stopping me now? Only my own will-power, if at all anything.
Saturday, September 8
Hello Blogger!
So hello. Whatever.