Saturday, October 6

Submissions, submissions...

Now I shouldn't hate this, but I was supposed to have studied something before the Pujo vacations. I'd even made some headway into Math. But now come these term papers which we have to submit over the next week. Here's what they are about:

Theory and interpretation of gas well testing: in this I have to write almost everything about testing (performance and productivity) of gas wells. The equations, the interpretations, everything.

Smart wells: have no idea what these are about, but have to prepare a submission soon.

????: I think this was something like prevention of corrosion by some cathodic protection or something. Have no clear idea.

The first one will be a long drag. The second one will be all about getting the info, and the third one, well, I think it'll be relatively easy. But add all the three up, and it's a herculean task to be done, considering the emphasis I put on presentation; I can spend hours only making the cover page. But will probably pull it off. Only thing is: how fast can I do it?


Anonymous said...

one thing i'd like to point out.. you're AWESOME on planning... but get down to zilch on doing... try and twist that a bit...

Sunshine said...

yeah, i do plan a lot, but there seems to be a point where i choke, and i end up with zilch.

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